You can use government grant funding to cover the costs of any of the courses provided by the UK Customs Academy. The government is providing this funding to help businesses prepare for Brexit by learning key Customs skills and knowledge.
To apply for a grant your company must:
- be based in, or have a branch, in the UK at the point of payment
- complete customs declarations, or intend to do so in the future
- carry out customs processes – this can include relevant training in safety and security
- help other businesses with import and export processes
You just need to register on the Customs Intermediary Grant website (set up by PWC on behalf of HMRC) and set yourself a password before applying for one of our courses.
Applications close on 30th June 2021 or earlier if all funds are allocated.
The government has allocated an additional £50 million worth of grant funding to be used for Brexit preparations including customs training. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get your course costs covered, apply today.
In order to make an application, other than the usual company contact details, you will need to know:
- the company’s annual turnover
- balance sheet total
- number of employees
- three registration numbers
- Company’s House registration
- Unique Taxpayers Reference – UTR
- Economic Operator Registration and Identification number
This checklist may also be of assistance.
Next steps
Once you have registered on the portal and signed up for one of our courses, you will need to do the following:
- Login with the password and username you registered with
- Click ‘See your applications’ or ‘My applications’
- To create an application, click ‘New’
- Fill in the requested information for Training and/or IT funding and/or Recruitment
- Attach a quotation for the proposed Training and/or IT (not required for Recruitment)
- Click ‘submit for approval’
The grants will be paid following receipt of your claim form with proof of payment and supporting invoice for the training course .
The grant will be paid to you, from the government grant scheme, within 30 days of your valid claim for reimbursement being accepted. It will be paid by BACS to a UK bank account in the name of the business who applied.
How to get help:
The PWC helpline number is: +44(0)28 9041 5471
For more information about the grant application process visit:
For more information about why the government is providing this funding, read our blog: