Accreditation of Prior Learning

Macro photo of tooth wheel mechanism with KNOWLEDGE concept related words imprinted on metal surface

Applying for Accreditation of Prior Learning

The Academy may grant you exemption from parts of a programme by recognising qualification and experience you may have gained previously. This is called accreditation of prior credited/ certified learning (APCL) or accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL).

If you feel you have covered the content of a module/ modules via your work/ life experience, APEL is a way to provide the evidence to show this and to gain credit for it.

You will need to establish the learning experience (i.e. what was the experience?) and then identify the learning which has taken place (i.e. what did you learn from your experience?)

In order to apply for accreditation for prior experiential learning you will need to submit:

  1. your current job specification endorsed by your Line Manager or HR
  2. CV with two references (unless you are a member of the IOE&IT)
  3. two examples of work exceeding the job specification endorsed by your line manager
  4. a written statement about your career to date, setting out evidence that you have met the specific learning objectives of the course(s) for which you are seeking recognition


  • Level 3 & 4 - £60 per module
  • Level 5 - £120 per module

To apply for APEL please contact [email protected]

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