Level 3 Certificate in Customs Compliance (UK)

Update: 2024

The Academy recognises holders of this award to be “Associate Customs Practitioners”

This intermediate qualification is designed to provide you with sufficient knowledge to prepare and lodge customs declarations with HMRC.

On successful completion you will have a comprehensive understanding of customs processes and procedures - including import, export and special procedures. You will also gain a sound understanding of the core compliance areas of classification, origin, valuation and duty calculation, and comprehensive knowledge of import and export declaration procedures and requirements.

By the end of your studies, you should feel confident working in an international trade environment, be able to prepare customs declarations, and have a clear awareness of the resources available to you to effectively manage customs risk.

Note: this is the minimum qualification considered necessary to prepare and lodge customs declarations with HMRC.

The Certificate in Customs Compliance consists of six modules:

  • Customs law and regulation
  • Customs processes and procedures
  • Tariff classification
  • Rules of origin
  • Customs valuation
  • Customs declarations

Designed to fit around a full-time career, students complete their studies online with the support of webinars, videos and step-by-step guides.

Students of this course will also receive free access to the Legislation Finder and CDS Tool.

For more information about all the qualifications we offer and why you should study with us, either download our brochure or contact [email protected].

Entry requirements

No formal qualifications are required for entry into this course. However, for those who have little prior experience in customs matters, it is highly recommended to firstly undertake the Level 2 qualification - Customs Practice & Procedure Award.


In this module you will acquire knowledge of the customs law as it currently stands and gain an insight into what has changed post-Brexit.

This includes an introduction to the Union Customs Code and related legislation, an examination of the way in which customs law is structured, and the different types of customs regulation.

This task is greatly simplified through the use of our web-based Legislation Finder.

Learning outcomes

By the time you have finished this module you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of customs legislation and regulation
  • Know how to find legal provisions relating to different aspects of international trade
  • Explain how key aspects of customs law apply to practical situations relating to cross-border trade

Assessment criteria

  • Identify relevant customs laws and their purpose
  • Identify key concepts underlying customs law
  • Differentiate between different types of imported goods

In this module we examine the various customs processes and procedures that international traders are required to comply with.

This includes the processes and procedures relating to the entry of goods, exit and export, release for free circulation, and the special procedures relating to transit, storage, processing and specific use.

Learning outcomes

By the time you have finished this module you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the different types of customs procedures
  • Explain the processes relating to the entry of goods
  • Understand the situations in which special procedures may be used

Assessment criteria

  • Identify the information required by customs in relation to the various procedures
  • Outline the processes for releasing goods for free circulation
  • Outline the obligations of traders who place goods under a special procedure

In this module we explore the concepts and procedures relating to the Harmonized System, and the knowledge and skills required to effectively classify goods for customs purposes.

This includes the classification structure, the classification process, and the use of online databases.

Learning outcomes

By the time you have finished this module you will be able to:

  • Understand the way in which the Harmonised System is structured
  • Understand the rules of interpretation
  • Classify goods for customs purposes

Assessment criteria

  • Identify the meaning of terminology used in tariff classification
  • Outline the classification structure
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the classification process

In this module we examine how origin is established for customs purposes, including preferential and non-preferential origin and the importance of origin in determining the conditions under which goods may be traded internationally.

We examine the rules under which the economic nationality of goods are determined, the methods of determining the origin of goods, and methods of proving the origin of goods for customs purposes.

Learning outcomes

By the time you have finished this module you will be able to:

  • Explain the rules relating to the origin of goods
  • Distinguish between preferential and non-preferential origin
  • Determine the origin of goods using the appropriate methodology, including cases where the goods have been produced or processed in multiple countries

Assessment criteria

  • Outline the legal provisions relating to the origin of goods
  • Differentiate between preferential and non-preferential origin
  • Determine the origin of particular goods

In this topic we examine the way in which imports and exports are valued for customs purposes and the way in which terms of trade influence the valuation process.

We examine the legal framework regarding customs valuation, procedures relating to customs valuation, explain the primary method of calculating the value of goods for customs purposes, describe the circumstances in which the primary method may or may not be used and discuss the secondary methods of calculating the customs value of goods.

Learning outcomes

By the time you have finished this module you will be able to:

  • Explain the legal framework regarding customs valuation
  • Understand the primary method of valuation
  • List the secondary valuation methods and identify when it is applicable to use them

Assessment criteria

  • Identify the rules relating to customs valuation
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the primary method of calculating the customs value of goods
  • Outline the secondary methods of calculating the customs value of goods

Here you will apply the knowledge gained in earlier topics to learn how to prepare and submit customs declarations for exports and imports, including for safety and security purposes.

It provides a practical approach to the completion of declarations that is greatly simplified through the use of our web-based CDS TOOL

Learning outcomes

By the time you have finished this module you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the CDS Declaration System
  • Know how to complete a customs declaration
  • Understand the various CDS Data Elements

Assessment criteria

  • Complete customs declarations for Import and Export
  • Identify the relevant codes required for particular processes and procedures including, but not limited to, Customs Procedure Codes
  • Outline the method of duty calculation
Study commitment

As a guide, you should expect to study for a total of around 160 hours to complete all six modules. The course must be completed within one year, but the usual period of study is 6 months.

These are recommended hours only, as the completion time will vary from student to student.


Knowledge checks

Throughout the course you will be required to answer a series of questions relating to the module that you are studying. Questions take a variety of forms, including tariff classification, duty calculation, declaration completion and more.

These knowledge checks represent  75% of your final mark in the course.


You will also be required to complete a  3000 word, written assignment that relates to the practical application of customs procedures in the working environment.

The assignment will represent 25% of your final mark in the course.


Once you have completed all the modules and the assessment, you will receive a Certificate showing the grade you have obtained

Pass: 60% to 74%

Credit: 75% to 84%

Distinction: 85% and above.

If you do not achieve a score of 60% or higher, you will need to undertake a supplementary assessment at the end of the course.


Total cost of the qualification is £980, which also provides you with one year’s student membership of the Chartered Institute of Export & International Trade, and recognition as an Associate Customs Practitioner once you have successfully completed the course.

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